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“WOW! I have never seen so much talent on stage ( Or screen ) in my life. What a wonderful evening. Thank you so very much for the gift you gave all of us last night and as you must know the audience went crazy for every single fantastic moment.
I used to sing for my supper and I was amazed at the beauty and clarity ( and strength) of each and every song. You placed your voice with amazing ease. I couldn’t get over it.
Thank you again for the gift you gave us and for inviting to the wonderful evening .
Hope to see you again soon. Perhaps in Summerlin?”
Love & Hugs,

“Last night we took the time to watch your DVD and were absolutely enthralled by the entire event. Not only the prodigious talent displayed by you and your brother, but also by envisioning the incredible amount of work that had to go into not only the preparation for the evening but also by the amount of energy it must take to just get through the evening! I cant imagine how exhausted you must be afterward! After seeing your amazing Streisand, I was delighted (but not surprised) at seeing her again, but the Celine Dion, the Cher, the Sonny and Cher, the Stevie Wonder, the Ray Charles, it was a star studded and very memorable evening. Thank you for your generosity and amazing talent.”
Alan Arkin